Clubs & Classes

Here are some links to some fantastic people we work and extra classes and activities we do here at Walton House:


Walton house run our own music & movement classes for all of the children. We use instruments, ribbons, tap sticks, scarves and more whilst singing along to traditional and new songs.

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Chef Megan runs a fortnightly cooking club for toddlers & pre-school on a Wednesday afternoon.

The children enjoy making home cooked food from scratch and taking it home to share with their family.

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Walton House run our own Disco Dough classes for toddlers & pre-school. We have our own disco with fun music and learn how to use playdough in a whole new way to enhance fine motor skills.

Concept4Football Tiny Tekkers is funded by us at Walton House Nursery and is a sports programme designed for nursery age children to give them an introduction to different sports, as well as aiding their physical development.

Each session includes different aspects of learning, for example counting, colours, animals etc.

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