Our pre-school & toddlers share areas throughout the nursery in order to stimulate all ages in different areas of development. All areas are designed for children aged 2.5-5 years.
As our children reach the last stage of their journey at Walton house they are given the opportunities to really cement their previously learning in the prime areas whilst developing a fuller understanding of the specific areas.
The children are given the freedom to follow their interests as well as their individual styles of learning.
The journey begins in preparing them to be ‘school ready’ with a big focus on their self confidence/self esteem, communication, independence and well being. This creates the perfect recipe for children to succeed in their learning.
We support the children’s curiosity as they develop a better understanding of new concept and carefully scaffold new learning around this.
We provide a rich environment of literacy and mathematics as well as providing a range of cultural capital opportunities, give our children the best foundations in life.